Thursday, April 22, 2010

Writing a Critical Analysis

Verbally analyzing a work of art can be compared to the scientific practice of animal dissection. To dissect an animal is to learn more about it, that which would not be learned from studying its physical exterior. Although we can only analyze a work of art by looking at it, we can learn much more from thinking in depth about each of its physical characteristics, discerning the technical processes used in its making, considering both its content and context, postulating the artist's conceptual reasoning and intentions, describing our personal interpretation and physiological/emotional reactions, and comparing/contrasting all of these aforementioned qualities to other works of art that seem relevant.

If art is our science, then the act of making is our field research, and a critical analysis of the work is the dissection of those specimens we collect in the field.

You are required to write a 2-3 paragraph critical analysis of one of your classmate's performance. Take your time, and do your best to provide helpful insight, as opposed to merely stating the obvious or making vague generalizations. Post these by Midnight tonight and label your post with your name to get credit for completing this assignment!

Read this article for some helpful advice if you don't know how to begin:

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