Friday, April 23, 2010

Evaluation on Lauren Carli's Piece.

The piece of artwork I'm evaluated is of Lauren Carli's. When I fist came across her, I have to say, I had no idea it was her. I spend about 50 seconds looking at her, and wondering if this girl was ever even in our class. Lauren was dressed up as a black and green ballerina with all her joints attach to a giant marinate strings. The audience was invited to play with her, and move her arms or legs however they want.
The reason I didn't recognize Lauren was because I've never seen her wear makeup like that. Lauren is not someone I think "Ballerina" when I see her. She has more of a kick ass kind of attitude than that of delicate and graceful. I hear her bickering with Chip constantly, and it wasn't a surprise that Chip didn't pass the chance to play with her arms and make her act like a dinosaur. You could see in the expression of her face how annoyed she was, yet she was helpless.
I didn't read the the artist statement but I didn't have to. I could tell Lauren didn't like the idea of being helpless or having other control her and that she was playing this fear. Being dressed up as a ballerina I think sort of shows how society might view women. All dressed up and pretty, but anything she does is controlled by Chip. I think the whole performance was very creative. I do question the chair that was on the base of the tree. At first, I thought you were suppose to sit on the chair and then pull the strings, but where the chair is, it makes it awkward to pull the strings. Maybe this a symbol that a chair is right there, but Lauren can't reach it and she has to stand for three hours, never resting. I also think that it would have been better with out the artist statement, because the message Lauren is trying to get across is so clear, it doesn't need it.

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