Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Endurance Performance: 6 Hour Painting

A 6 hour painting session may not seem like a very strenuous task. But stripped of my normal luxuries (music/cellphone/conversation) and without breaks this proved to be physically and mentally enduring. Hour 4 seemed to be the point where everything switched course for me, this was that magic hour when my painting session turned. By this time my neck and back hurt from the slumped position i was sitting in and my focus withered.

Painting #1: Still Life Paint Tubes

Duration: 3 Hours, 23 Minutes

Status: Complete

Music is what keeps me working in rhythm, without this I was having a difficult time getting on track and staying there. This first painting started with a still life of the corner and the lock of a studio window. After laying down most of the painting It didn't seem to be coming together. Over and hour later I decided to set up a small still life on the table made up of paints, I managed to stay focused very easily for the entire painting. The only problem I ran into was the lighting, I was using natural lighting at the start of the painting, and as the sun went down i had to use the overhead studio lights which may have made the painting suffer in areas.

Painting #2: Green Abstract

Duration: 2 Hours, 15 Minutes

Status: Incomplete

I started on a still life of a friend, but as hour 4 approached I couldn't concentrate anymore and needed to just play around. This painting underwent 4 different transformations before it got to where it is now. There seemed to be a direct connection between time and quality of the work. As the clock moved, the painting got worse.

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