photo credit to sara greenberg and nicole klepper.

My endurance piece turned out to not be as hard as I had thought it would be. I also did not end up covering up as much of my body as I had hoped to, only managing to reach my knee on one leg.
I realized while talking to people who came by the Moka Joka that the pattern I had decided on was inspired by a piece I had seen earlier this
year at the MoMA by Gabriel Orozco. The piece was a skull on which he had meticulously drawn a checkerboard pattern in graphite. I had had a long discussion with some one at the museum about it. We talked about whether or not Orozco could really escape being a niche artist when he did a piece like this, the skull being very iconographic of Mexican art. In the end I wish I had though more about this before doing the piece because I may have been able to think more deeply about the reasons for it. Maybe I was drawing on theses diamonds to recreate in miniature the six month long effort of Orozco, or maybe I was revisiting my childhood when I would cover my legs and arms in marker patterns.

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