Sunday, February 28, 2010
Personal Record of time
Quick reminder!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Record of Time
Sound Postcard Andrew Ross
Cardboard Automata
Time Automata
Friday, February 26, 2010
Time Atomata
Cardboard Automata
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Important Reminder!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I, Jake Sartorius Bernson, and my partner, Andrew Ross, will be working together for this assignment. One of us will be blind and the other deaf. To determine which of us will be blind and which will be deaf, we will flip a coin. Andrew will be deaf and I will be blind. Our hands will then be duck taped together; his right hand to my left. We will be like this for 6 hours.
Personal Record Of Time
A Personal Record of Time
I sat in my room and watched and listened to my room mate for periods throughout the day.
11:03 am - Li is asleep.
11:47 am - Li begins to stir and awake from her deep sleep. She gets out of bed and leaves the room.
11:54 am - Li returns to the room, and sits at her desk, turning on her Macbook.
12:30 pm - As I listen to Li, I hear a lot of paper rustling around on her desk. She has started to make her paper sculptures.
1:46 pm - Li grabs her hat, puts on her coat and leaves the room to go to Terra Cotta.
3:55 pm - Li returns to the room again, and sits in her bed, watching tv shows on her computer.
5:14 pm - Li walks over to the refrigerator, and grabs her macaroni salad.
5:29 pm - Li is finished eating her macaroni salad.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
6 Hour Performance : Strip

For this project, I decided to focus on the subject of being stripped of ones possessions while documenting my thoughts and experiences throughout the process by writing in a sketchbook. My original plan was the same, but experiencing it outside. I thought that since the project dealt with endurance it would have a stronger effect if it took place outside enduring both the cold and judgement due to lack of clothing. Unfortunately however, I was involved in a car accident and got a concussion which prevented me from continuing on with my initial performance idea on the day it was planned. Also, due to the drastic weather change I altered the location.
I still wanted to focus on the idea or being stripped of my possessions so I continued with my idea inside. I sat in the Reimer game room, not talking to anyone just sitting, writing ideas and thoughts while removing a layer of clothing every hour. Each layer of clothes represented a different moment in my life. The first layer was all of my winter gear representing present time. The next layer depicted my everyday life, studio clothes. Next was a dress that represented all of the special occasions or days I felt like dressing up. The next layer was my favorite. I had on leggings and a Michigan shirt. I am from Michigan so when the hour reached it's end the stripping of this shirt represented the stripping of my home, and comfort zone. Lastly I was sitting in a bra. This was the outfit I was least comfortable in and unfortunately had the largest audience for.
As each hour passed the pile of clothes grew and I became less clothed. It was a bit uncomfortable toward the end as a mob of people walked by staring at me, but other then that I thought that it was a really interesting experience. Looking back at the sketchbook of thoughts and ideas it was interesting just to see how my mind works and what I think about it in different situations. The less comfortable I got the less I wrote showing me that I really pay attention to the things going on around me and I care about what other people think of me and how they view me. My entries started talking about the present and what I was doing at that moment but my mind drifted into talking about different events that had happened and I began connecting them to different events in the past and some how reconnected it back to the present. It was strange how subconsciously I wrote for six hours about a million different topics but managed to create a cycle I guess... a cycle of thoughts that are all interconnected. I just thought that that aspect was really interesting. One day I would like to alter this project a bit but try it outside so that way I can get more of a reaction and a different outlook on the experience!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
HACK FOR LIFE: On tuesday febuary 9th from 1230 to 630 i played hacky sack in cohen. my friends Evan Coronis and Garrett Borden joined me for 4 hours of this time in total. in the beginning i started out by myself attempting to hack. Hacking all alone is not only very difficult but tiring as well. i started out slow by practicing moves that i am currently rusty at and need to improve on. i have never hacked with my left foot alot before so i got the idea to practice on that aspect. i saw a improvement in a very short time surpisingly. after about 2 hours or a little less my friends came down with there video camera so that i could document this project. we started out with all 3 of us and then my friends rotated breaks. The footage that we recorded is some really prime hack. there were alot of difficult moves thrown as we continued to play. After watching the footage again i was very pleased with the day even though during i didnt feel like it was that great. the over all experience was exausting to be completely honest. The footage i took was so long that it would not upload properly so i chose to put what i thought was the best hack of the videos together for your viewing pleasure. i was unable to take pictures because they are to blurry with all of the movement. i hope you enjoy the movie. take it easy-kevin dunn