Thursday, April 22, 2010

Painful Nostalgia

I have to say I'm quite proud of this piece but I will never ever do it again. I didn't actually think about how cold I'd be. I did check the weather and new it would be pretty cold, but I thought moving around and having the sun eventually come up would make it warmer. I new that this would be painful too, but knowing it will be painful and actually experiencing it are two different things. It got to the point that a metal thing was lodged into my foot, and at the last 40 minutes of the hour, I put my sandals back on and kept walking. It lessened the pain a little, but my feet were so sore that my limp never went away.
I would get little rocks stuck to my feet, and sometimes, i was able to rub them off while I walked, but more would only come with the next step. Still was a slight relief from dragging my foot on the pavement. It reminded me actually the feeling of accomplishing a project, only to have another one assigned the next day.
I had many people stop to ask me if I was okay. Helpless looking as I was, I was curious to see how many people would just walk away or ask if I needed help. No being able to talk, their were a few people who wouldn't stop asking me question and getting me to talk. One of them was my RD, who's probably very worried about me now.

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