Contrary to popular belief, clementines are not harmless. I ate twenty in three hours-- the acidity did not agree with my stomach and I felt sick for the remainder of the day (afterward I ate some bread and passed out for about four hours whilst engaged in some freaky dreams). Near the half-way point of my three-hour stint, it became much more difficult to eat--the texture of the beloved fruit became unbearable to chew, the crisp sweetness saccharine.

I had originally been dressed in all black, but it was cold out so I layered up on hoodies and blankets. In the end, my attire did not matter much; just as long as it was clear what I was doing.
Here is the end product of my eating crusade:

It is a comment on over-consumption and wastefulness; though my body clearly did not need any more clementine juice/acid, all I could do was EAT.
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