Friday, January 29, 2010
Performance Assignment
(Vito Acconi's "Blindfolded Catching")
"Performance art is art in which the actions of an individual or a group at a particular place and in a particular time constitute the work. It can happen anywhere, at any time, or for any length of time. Performance art can be any situation that involves four basic elements: time, space, the performer's body and a relationship between performer and audience."
Performance Parameters and Requirements:
-Your performance will be done in class next Thursday, Febrary 4th
(it must be designed for our classroom space in Cohen...what makes sense or does not make sense for that space? keep in mind that the space itself may not be altered in any way!)
-Your performance must be between 1 and 5 minutes long
(no shorter! no longer!)
-You may work alone, or with up to two other people
(groups cannot be larger than 3 people!)
-You must incorporate at least one object into the performance
(that object should be the inspiration for your can you interact with it in a interesting/unique way?)
-You may incorporate audience interaction/participation into the piece if you choose
(but how will you let us know what we're supposed to do? will there be verbal or written instructions?)
-Plan for a "beginning" and an "ending"
(how will we know when it's happening or when it's over?)
- Rehearse!
(next Thursday should not be the first time you try whatever it is you're going to do, unless it relies heavily on audience participation...even then, there must be something you can rehearse!)
-Plan your documentation in advance
(this will only happen once, so choose a friend who's not in the performance to take pictures for you, and let them know what to expect, and what you want them to capture....this will be the only record of the event, and what will be posted on the blog, so it's extremely important!)
Videos you need to watch ASAP:
Yoko Ono's "Cut Piece"
William Lamson's "Vital Capacity"
Roman Signer's "Sleeping" (and the other "Roman Signer's Suitcase" videos on the right side)
Matt McAllister's "Most T-Shirts Worn at One Time" (he holds the Guiness World Record!)
Jean Marc Heim's "Va et Vient" (the last minute and a half is especially relevant)
Kelly Mark's "Demonstration"
Prinz Gholam's "Ein Ding Mehr"
Sony Bravia's Bouncy Ball Commercial (for fun)
(Kate Gilmore's "My Love is An Anchor")
A Walk Down the Dorm Hall
Thursday, January 28, 2010
multiplicity from ethan martin on Vimeo.
Sonic Postcard
Personal time
My Sound Project
Sonic Postcard
This may be quiet but the sounds remind me of this day. Between the siren and then trucks hurrying to the site. Also, maybe it's quiet because it's a memory of a tragic event.
sonic Postcard
Personal Time Record: Text Messages in One Day
~ boyfriend, Jimmy: 55
~ Ashley: 17
~ Abby: 8
~ Jacqueline: 2
~ Nick: 2
~ Mike: 2
~ Mom: 2
Due Friday, January 29th
Must be posted on the blog as an embedded Youtube or Vimeo video. It should be 100 seconds long and not include any images. You should, however, use movie to make a title in the beginning (come up with an inventive name for your sound piece) and list the names of everyone in your group in the credits. When you post it, make sure you also label the post with everyone's name that was in your group.
JPG Image for your personal 10 sec. sonic postcard
If you haven't given it to Alicia already, please bring it to class on a jump drive.
Interesting found object
Michelle asked you to find an object that interests you. Bring that object to class tomorrow. Do not bring anything that is very important/expensive or that has sentimental value. We won't be altering the object in any way, but other people in the class will be "handling" it. Also bring your digital camera if you have one.
Fix your blog posts
Follow directions given in class today to fix your blog posts. Align all images to the left, make them "large" and make sure each post is labeled with your name.
Post your Sonic Postcard on the blog
This, like the remix, should be an embedded Youtube or Vimeo video. You can use your JPG image as the background for the sound clip (drag it into imovie as shown in class today).
Sound is Possible
Time Log
My roommate leaves for class I'm close behind
The smell of food is in the air its time for lunch
My class start up again
Last class of the day is history yaya
The sun is setting
I'm feeling hungry again its time for dinner
Home work fills my night
My nightly tv show turns
I'm tired
Its time for bed
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A Personal Record Of Time
Ten Seconds of Alfred Sound
keeping track of time by my feet
Time recorder.
For me it was important to find a solution to this assignment that could be reused. I ended up taking a bucket and making a small pin hole at the bottom, I then filled it with water. I recorded every 2 hours that passed with a line along the side of the bucket. I found that the lowering water level wasn’t the only reminder of the time passed, but the drips, which sounded a lot like a ticking clock, did as well. As every drip tapped the tray it was a reminder of how fast time was moving.
Ideally if i was to fill the bucket to the top line again i would get the same results.
A Person Record of time
As Time Goes By
A Personal Record of Time
Personal Record of Time: People Map

Time Diary
Breakfast: egg sandwich and blueberry tea -foundations
Lunch: chinese stir fry-friends at ade, after all classes
Dinner: midnight- alone in my dorm room like a losser doing work lol
a personal record of time
A Personal Record of Time

Gathering ingredients, waiting for the yeast to activate and the bread to rise; Gauging time through bread baking is a visual and physical process. In this situation, time is dependant on the conditions of the environment rather than on hours and minutes. The dough is finished rising when it has doubled in size, and the bread is done whenever the crust becomes golden brown. Over the course of the day, as the loaf disappears and the crust hardens, the ephemeral quality of bread baking bread becomes evident.
A Personal Record of Time
How to tell time
I tend to tell time by where I am. After foundations I always go to Powell, entertain myself for a bit then hang out and eat with friends. Generally everybody that’s in my next classes grab my attention and we rush to class hoping well be there before the teacher, that’s always an indication that were on time. After the teacher dismisses us I usually go to my room or the studio, depending if I have work or not. Then if my phone says I have work that day I’ll go work my shift at Lil’ Alf. Following that if I don’t still have homework to do I’ll find people to hang with. Then pass out until a loud buzzing sound wakes me up. Then I get up go to foundations and do it all over again.
Dusk-Work Night-Wandering campus with friends
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A Personal Record of Time
Monday, January 25, 2010
Time In Cigarettes

- After Foundations- Harder Hall to Ade Hall= 1 cigarette
- Tefft Hall to traffic light in town = 1 cigarette
- Waiting for Sarah May to come out of Baressi= 1/4 cigarette
- Baressi to Cohen Studio= 3/4 cigarette
- Tefft to equestrian center in a car = 1 cigarette
- Cohen studio to green house on Alfred State = 1 cigarette
- 1/2 cigarette for my selfish ex-boyfriend to come out of his dorm room
- 1/2 of my cigarette = 1 of his cigarettes
- Friday Morning- 1/2 cigarette waiting for class to start when i arrive
A Personal Record of Time
I documented time through a piece of gum i began to chew after foundations.
Garrett gives me a piece of gum after i finish eating lunch, it has a lot of flavor, kind of minty and fruity i go to harder to work on my color wheel
while painting my third yellow section my jaw hurts and my gum has lost its flavor
my jaw is feeling heavy while i mix the second tint for orange
really want to throw out gum now, jaw tired, tastes bad, painting yellow-orange
took gum out to eat nutterbutter, chewing gum made me hungry
left gum on piece of wrapper for safe keeping
forgot about gum
sam almost puts elbow on forgotten gum, finishing up yellow shades
put everything away in locker, find gum, throw out, go to dinner
A Personal Record of Time
A Personal Record of Time
A Personal Record of Time
During my first class I know its about mid morning when we are released for a quick break. After this class I know I have another class very shortly afterward giving me time to check my mail.
After this second class I know it is lunch time. However, I have a lengthy space of time after this before my next class. Considering I was no sense of time what so ever I had to check the time so I wouldn't be late for another class.
Once the third class is over with I know I can go back to my room and relax for a little while before diving into homework. When it starts to get dark I wait for the town fire alarm to go off at its everyday time to go to dinner. After this I wait until I get tired to show and then go to bed.
Personal Clock
For me my personal clock runs on how i’m feeling… living every moment separately and analyzing the change throughout the duration of that moment.
Today when I got back from Foundations class, I walked into my form at 11:11. I made a wish (of course) and remembered something about a talking wrist watch my father used to own. It got wet once and after that the voice had problems saying eleven. It would say “the time is… Tleven : Tleven”. This memory made me think of being home with my dad. At this time I always feel a little bit homesick.
Almost immediately after I entered my door to the time I left to go to my next class(11:11-12:14) I recorded (somewhat accidentally) me and my roommate, Elizabeth, carrying on a normal conversation (well normal to us). These are the times I’m happiest talking and giggling like middle schoolers with my best friend. I know when I don’t feel anxious about something or restless that I have spare time to just hang out in my room.
From 1:00-2:15 I sit in my brand new art history class nervously thinking “this might be actually really hard”.
At 2:30 I call Nabal Camacho. “I need a ride to Tinker Town…. you have a car and I have the laziness. We can make this work”. He agrees to pick me up at 3:30. At 3:26 I’m sitting outside with Elizabeth smoking a cigarette. We both agree to quit smoking after this cigarette… didn’t we say that yesterday? I pay close attention to the time it takes to Elizabeth to smoke her cigarette and the time it takes me. I notice the slow burning paper making interesting designs until the ash shows through and I realize what I’m putting in my body. I think this might be it! It’s 4:00 and still no Nabal… he calls right as my battery is about to die… he fell asleep. I didn’t mind that much as it was very nice outside and I was enjoying just sitting and listening. Being engulfed in time but not afraid of it.
From 4:56 to 7:20 I work on another assignment for Foundations (COLOR). I get frustrated as to how something so simple as a color wheel can be so difficult to make.
From 7:34 to 9:30 I sit in a very awkward situation with a group of friends and at 9:37 I lose this group of friends. How could a day so simple and fairly nice end so shitty? I’m confused as I think about what just happened and how fast that moment came and left me that I had no time to analyze it. I literally have nothing to say about this.
And now at 11:55 I feel the soft sheets on my beg beckoning me to come and have a lie down. I nod my head trying to stay awake, still trying to understand the troubling issue I had dealt with a few hours earlier. And (11:57 I took a break to brush my teeth…12:02, i’m back) now I’m going to lay me down. This is my favorite time of the day… for in my sleep time seems suspended and I feel a good kind of emptiness that can be cleansing. Goodnight all, goodnight Alfred, goodnight Elizabeth and goodnight moon.Time Passing
- sun was out
- birds singing
- snow melting
- going to classes
- more people are awake
- lunch tables are full
- mail was here
- painting my color wheel
- got hungry
- ate dinner
- worked on homework
- listen to music
- took a shower
- got ready for bed
- slept
Record of Time

a quick heads up
So what can happen in ten seconds?
an average of 19 people die worldwide
a typical assault rifle can fire 100 rounds
a good donut machine can make about 7 mini-donuts
a person can say "i love you" about 8 times at a normal rate of speech
a person can say "i hate you" about 8 times at a normal rate of speech
a person can say "i really need that" about 7 times at a normal rate of speech
a person can say "i really want that" about 7 times at a normal rate of speech
a president can deliver the average length sound bite with a little time to spare
a radio signal can be sent from the earth and bounce back from the moon roundtrip 4 times
a point on the surface of the earth at the equator will advance about 2.7 miles in its rotation
an average U.S. residential internet connection can transfer about 27,000,000 bits of information